Friday, June 19, 2009
Thursday, June 11, 2009
the one and maybe the two and the three "WHOCARES" centre
salam to all..since i got pretty much time of 2 weeks holiday,my interest have moved on is certain that blogging is the best medium for us to communicate, express the feelings and criticize something or perhaps in personal..
it is vital to have an internet line at home nowadays so that we can do our works properly, manage our bills by online payment, downloading stuff or may be uploading, chatting, getting a lot of friends in community website and the list goes on....
in this entry i would like to SHARE MY EXPERIENCE regarding to the our "honourable internet provider' and so called streamyx.
i do make so many complaints to our sole (??) national internet provider, streamyx for the on off phone also got no line..when there is no line, no connection for streamyx too.but the bureaucracy always take many procedures and steps we have to go through..dialling 100 is no use because the steps in searching the error is odd and doesn't help..i also always go to the tmnet whocares?? center to tell the matter but still the staffs there ask me to dial 100 to it merely nonsense..after bickering with the staffs, they give me the tm technician phone no. to solve the problem..i hope it will work..then i call....
i don't know whether the tm technicians are well-trained or i want to know what cause my line of the technician said that the line cable have to be replaced with the latest version and that's why it's off..he continued that tm side have to import the new cable from ITALY within 3 months then the further steps will be i feel relieved to hear the same time..the line is off and on..but still get the connection in a very slow pace.
it is almost 1 year since i called the tm technician..i feel so heavy to lift my hand to dial 100 or the technician..i also feel so exhausted to step in the tmnet whocares center to make report..i always pray that someday, our beloved country will have the very smartest internet provider which can give us the fastest connection, the very clearest phone line as well, the very smartest hotline operator,and the very skilled-technicians as well as the staffs...:)
so for the readers who have same problems with me, may be this can help you
1. if your connection is slow, it's okay because the connection speed of all the streamyx packages are same....
2. if ur connection is down, which means off, try to pick up your phone..lift up for a while and try to hear the tone..if there is no tone, put down the phone and try to call your phone no..(in this case, you must use handphone and ask your neighbour to do it)when u call your home, then the line will "come back" and enjoy your doings.
3.if still no connection, try calling until u get it back...
the steps above may be are so bizarre but have a try first...
so last words from me:STREAMYX IS SUX
it is vital to have an internet line at home nowadays so that we can do our works properly, manage our bills by online payment, downloading stuff or may be uploading, chatting, getting a lot of friends in community website and the list goes on....
in this entry i would like to SHARE MY EXPERIENCE regarding to the our "honourable internet provider' and so called streamyx.
i do make so many complaints to our sole (??) national internet provider, streamyx for the on off phone also got no line..when there is no line, no connection for streamyx too.but the bureaucracy always take many procedures and steps we have to go through..dialling 100 is no use because the steps in searching the error is odd and doesn't help..i also always go to the tmnet whocares?? center to tell the matter but still the staffs there ask me to dial 100 to it merely nonsense..after bickering with the staffs, they give me the tm technician phone no. to solve the problem..i hope it will work..then i call....
i don't know whether the tm technicians are well-trained or i want to know what cause my line of the technician said that the line cable have to be replaced with the latest version and that's why it's off..he continued that tm side have to import the new cable from ITALY within 3 months then the further steps will be i feel relieved to hear the same time..the line is off and on..but still get the connection in a very slow pace.
it is almost 1 year since i called the tm technician..i feel so heavy to lift my hand to dial 100 or the technician..i also feel so exhausted to step in the tmnet whocares center to make report..i always pray that someday, our beloved country will have the very smartest internet provider which can give us the fastest connection, the very clearest phone line as well, the very smartest hotline operator,and the very skilled-technicians as well as the staffs...:)
so for the readers who have same problems with me, may be this can help you
1. if your connection is slow, it's okay because the connection speed of all the streamyx packages are same....
2. if ur connection is down, which means off, try to pick up your phone..lift up for a while and try to hear the tone..if there is no tone, put down the phone and try to call your phone no..(in this case, you must use handphone and ask your neighbour to do it)when u call your home, then the line will "come back" and enjoy your doings.
3.if still no connection, try calling until u get it back...
the steps above may be are so bizarre but have a try first...
so last words from me:STREAMYX IS SUX
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
aku nak naik hangin ni...
salam to all...kita kadang kala harus meluahkan perasaan atau rasa tak senang hati melalaui cara yg difikirkan baik dan positif..itu memang telah dibuktikan untuk meleraikan tahap kemarahan yang terbuku di hati..tapi jangan over da limit sudah..nanti lain pulak jadinya.
saya adalah pengguna jalanraya kuala kangsar-ipoh (KK-IP) dan melaluinya hampir setiap hari..jadi, banyak kejadian yang tidak disukai dan tidak diingini berlaku...saya selalu bermonolog dan bercakap seorang diri ketika memandu..adakala menyumpah seranah pengguna jalanraya yang lain termasuklah pejalan kaki..
jalanraya merupakan medium perhubungan yang amat vital kepada kita semua (ayat skema)..undang-undang juga telah diperuntukkan kepada pesalah2 lalu lintas..saya bukan hendak berlagak sebagai peguam atau pakar jalanraya,tetapi beberapa insiden yg saya alami hampir setiap hari membuatkan saya jadi pemarah apabila berada di jalanraya..untuk maklumat reader semua, jalanraya KK-IP ni dah mcm standard highway tp x de tol dan uneven..biase la,di bwh selenggaraan JKR (jasa kepada rakyat ker?)dan bknnye PLUSter, ELITE (tringat abby abadi)atau LDP di puchong sane (tringat buaya puchong)..saya hanya list down kan saje di bawah:
1)jumlah lori yang kdg2 melebihi kenderaan lain..tidak tahu mengapa ini boleh berlaku..mungkin pembangunan dan ekonomi di negeri perak ini khususnya sangat pesat (cuba berfikiran positif walaupun dalam hati memaki hamun lori2 itu)
2)sikap pemandu yg tidak suka memberi signal apabila nak masuk simpang x kire simpang itu ade trafik light atau simpang kecil...kadang-kadang kia tidak akan perasan yg kereta di depan tu nak masuk kanan atau kiri kerana tidak memberi, ringankan lah tulang anda itu untuk memetik signal..kalau dh tak larat skalipun,suruhla org yg duduk kt sbelah ataupun kt belakang....sampai camtu skali..
3)yg ni lagi la membara...kadang2, pemandu msia ni terlalu berhati2 takut alignment tayar pandu kereta duduk line kanan dan hanya memandu dlm 60 km/j,(merujuk sppedometer digital-satelit aku)..padahal kawsn itu speed limitnya 90 km/j..nak potong belah kiri ade lak kereta atau kenderaan lain...dorang x pe la sbb bwk slow duduk lorong kiri..dh tak dapat potong..apa guna 2 line kalau mcm tu?bila bagi high beam, mulalah pandang2 belakang pastu boleh buat bodoh je..memang bodoh.!!!
at last, saya terpaksa meniru aksi 18sg, memotong di tgh2 sambil mengharap simpati kereta di line kiri untuk memperlahankan lagi kereta mereka yang memang sedia perlahan..
4)lori yang sarat muatan batu, simen, pasir pun mungkin faktor kepada kemalangan...kadang-kadang nk tergelak pun ade tgk figure lori tu yang mcm kembung bak ikan buntal nk pecah....kalau lori ade double decker,mau je sumbat lagi segala bende kt situ..of kos la berat,pandu la line kiri...nk jugak jadi VIP pandu sbelah kanan..bkn tu sahaja..siap jatuh lagi segala batu, simen, pasir dan tanah pastu kene lak kete lain...(saya dah terkena mujur x calar my car, thank god..)pastu ape lagi, saya pun dengan penuh adab memberi sign 18sx kepada pemandu yang mcm *&^% itu..itu belum lagi lori panjang yang tutup ngan kanvas hitam tu..langsung mcm x bergerak je kt jalanraya..pastu lampu brek samar bayangan jer...
5)trafik light yg byk juga menyusahkan pengguna jlnraya..ade satu kwsn perkampungan tu rasenye x yah letak pun trafik light tp letak juga...langsung x, bilemerah,berenti la tunggu padahal amat jarang kereta lalu...ada satu kes tu pulak..2 trafik light dalam jarak 80 meter(aku x sukat, agak2 je)..mmg dekat mcmana kalau tgh2 lalu tiba tiba trafik light kedua tu merah..stuck kt tgh2...
6)ade satu habit pemandu di jalan KK-IP, (x tau la kwsn lain camana) suka sgt guna hp ketika memandu...ini memang la x guna...pastu swerve sana belakang pun takut nak ikut..silap2, kite di whip nya nnt..
nak downoad gmbar pun x bleh..x tau, rasenye byk lagi yang perlu dikupas dan diracik halus2 ttg masalah ini...road block blh dikatakan setiap hari namun x brubah juga..x tau ape yg silap kan...rase plix jugak..kagum pun ade sbb dorang x kene tindakan pun..kalau saya bwk 71 km/j di kwsan 60 km/j of kos kene org2 yang mcm saya ceritakan di atas x kene pulak..
cuma masih hairan kenape byk sgt lori di jalan raya kk-ip ini...nanti nak try tnye menteri besar la....tak pun ketua jpj perak....hihihi
saya adalah pengguna jalanraya kuala kangsar-ipoh (KK-IP) dan melaluinya hampir setiap hari..jadi, banyak kejadian yang tidak disukai dan tidak diingini berlaku...saya selalu bermonolog dan bercakap seorang diri ketika memandu..adakala menyumpah seranah pengguna jalanraya yang lain termasuklah pejalan kaki..
jalanraya merupakan medium perhubungan yang amat vital kepada kita semua (ayat skema)..undang-undang juga telah diperuntukkan kepada pesalah2 lalu lintas..saya bukan hendak berlagak sebagai peguam atau pakar jalanraya,tetapi beberapa insiden yg saya alami hampir setiap hari membuatkan saya jadi pemarah apabila berada di jalanraya..untuk maklumat reader semua, jalanraya KK-IP ni dah mcm standard highway tp x de tol dan uneven..biase la,di bwh selenggaraan JKR (jasa kepada rakyat ker?)dan bknnye PLUSter, ELITE (tringat abby abadi)atau LDP di puchong sane (tringat buaya puchong)..saya hanya list down kan saje di bawah:
1)jumlah lori yang kdg2 melebihi kenderaan lain..tidak tahu mengapa ini boleh berlaku..mungkin pembangunan dan ekonomi di negeri perak ini khususnya sangat pesat (cuba berfikiran positif walaupun dalam hati memaki hamun lori2 itu)
2)sikap pemandu yg tidak suka memberi signal apabila nak masuk simpang x kire simpang itu ade trafik light atau simpang kecil...kadang-kadang kia tidak akan perasan yg kereta di depan tu nak masuk kanan atau kiri kerana tidak memberi, ringankan lah tulang anda itu untuk memetik signal..kalau dh tak larat skalipun,suruhla org yg duduk kt sbelah ataupun kt belakang....sampai camtu skali..
3)yg ni lagi la membara...kadang2, pemandu msia ni terlalu berhati2 takut alignment tayar pandu kereta duduk line kanan dan hanya memandu dlm 60 km/j,(merujuk sppedometer digital-satelit aku)..padahal kawsn itu speed limitnya 90 km/j..nak potong belah kiri ade lak kereta atau kenderaan lain...dorang x pe la sbb bwk slow duduk lorong kiri..dh tak dapat potong..apa guna 2 line kalau mcm tu?bila bagi high beam, mulalah pandang2 belakang pastu boleh buat bodoh je..memang bodoh.!!!
at last, saya terpaksa meniru aksi 18sg, memotong di tgh2 sambil mengharap simpati kereta di line kiri untuk memperlahankan lagi kereta mereka yang memang sedia perlahan..
4)lori yang sarat muatan batu, simen, pasir pun mungkin faktor kepada kemalangan...kadang-kadang nk tergelak pun ade tgk figure lori tu yang mcm kembung bak ikan buntal nk pecah....kalau lori ade double decker,mau je sumbat lagi segala bende kt situ..of kos la berat,pandu la line kiri...nk jugak jadi VIP pandu sbelah kanan..bkn tu sahaja..siap jatuh lagi segala batu, simen, pasir dan tanah pastu kene lak kete lain...(saya dah terkena mujur x calar my car, thank god..)pastu ape lagi, saya pun dengan penuh adab memberi sign 18sx kepada pemandu yang mcm *&^% itu..itu belum lagi lori panjang yang tutup ngan kanvas hitam tu..langsung mcm x bergerak je kt jalanraya..pastu lampu brek samar bayangan jer...
5)trafik light yg byk juga menyusahkan pengguna jlnraya..ade satu kwsn perkampungan tu rasenye x yah letak pun trafik light tp letak juga...langsung x, bilemerah,berenti la tunggu padahal amat jarang kereta lalu...ada satu kes tu pulak..2 trafik light dalam jarak 80 meter(aku x sukat, agak2 je)..mmg dekat mcmana kalau tgh2 lalu tiba tiba trafik light kedua tu merah..stuck kt tgh2...
6)ade satu habit pemandu di jalan KK-IP, (x tau la kwsn lain camana) suka sgt guna hp ketika memandu...ini memang la x guna...pastu swerve sana belakang pun takut nak ikut..silap2, kite di whip nya nnt..
nak downoad gmbar pun x bleh..x tau, rasenye byk lagi yang perlu dikupas dan diracik halus2 ttg masalah ini...road block blh dikatakan setiap hari namun x brubah juga..x tau ape yg silap kan...rase plix jugak..kagum pun ade sbb dorang x kene tindakan pun..kalau saya bwk 71 km/j di kwsan 60 km/j of kos kene org2 yang mcm saya ceritakan di atas x kene pulak..
cuma masih hairan kenape byk sgt lori di jalan raya kk-ip ini...nanti nak try tnye menteri besar la....tak pun ketua jpj perak....hihihi
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Landfill On The Ocean
salam to all..while i was reading the star newspaper, there was an interesting article came to my was about water pollution that took place in the pacific ocean..the most surprise is the size of garbage is approximate twice than Texas, the state in the, it is beyond our imaginary, isn't it?the garbage is like a drifting called landfill because it is filled up by the piling of plastics.
that 'landfill' is drifting and forms a vast swirl or known as the plastic how could this disaster happened?indeed the garbage are being decayed due to many factors such as the sun rays and ocean tides or may be broken down slowly into smaller particles..the thing that become worse is the particles may be eaten by the fish or the other marine life..the particles are definitely contain poisonous substances which came from the plastics..eventually, a lot of toxins have taken place in our body due to the food chain....
so let's imagine what will be going on if we just let the things happen?
sometimes people need to realize their doings especially about handling waste materials...our mentality still not change..just simply toss the garbage into the drain,river and the sea...eventually, we get the effects by eating toxins from the marine life.
so from the article, i have been acknowledged that the scientists and a group of conservationists still find the best way to pull the 'landfill' out of the country is responsible to it because no jurisdiction about that..
people do need to refine the effects of the pollution..we have to have clean environment for our future life as well as for our life too..
that 'landfill' is drifting and forms a vast swirl or known as the plastic how could this disaster happened?indeed the garbage are being decayed due to many factors such as the sun rays and ocean tides or may be broken down slowly into smaller particles..the thing that become worse is the particles may be eaten by the fish or the other marine life..the particles are definitely contain poisonous substances which came from the plastics..eventually, a lot of toxins have taken place in our body due to the food chain....
so let's imagine what will be going on if we just let the things happen?
sometimes people need to realize their doings especially about handling waste materials...our mentality still not change..just simply toss the garbage into the drain,river and the sea...eventually, we get the effects by eating toxins from the marine life.
so from the article, i have been acknowledged that the scientists and a group of conservationists still find the best way to pull the 'landfill' out of the country is responsible to it because no jurisdiction about that..
people do need to refine the effects of the pollution..we have to have clean environment for our future life as well as for our life too..
Monday, June 8, 2009
salam to all...sekarang aku masih berada dlm mood cuti yang tak berape ummph...maksudnye tak best la...-sigh-......tapi aku ambil kesempatan waktu yg x best ni utk settlekan kerje-kerje sekolah yg menimbun itu...akhirnya boleh la skang aku bernafas dengan lebih lancar....hehehe...
hari tu ade la member aku ni..dia seorang model cum postgrad student...hehehe..ajak aku bercuti di bengkok (bangkok)..aku mula memikirkan kos yang akan diperlukan sekiranya pergi ke sana..almaklumla..ini 1st time nk g oversea.(padahal kt border msia je) member aku yg model cum postgrad student itu menjelaskan bahawa kos yg diperlukan hannya rm 700..aku pun berasa girang...sbb quite cheap la...kalau aku g cuti dalam msia pun budget lebih kurang tu je..kire ok la tu
sesiape pernah pegi bangkok angkat ke bangkok tu?aku tgk crowded jer (dlm filem la)...aku prefer pegi pattaya atau phuket sbb more nature dan bleh mandi pantai..
tapi aku on je kalau jadi..InsyaAllah...nnt aku nk google bangkok nak tgk ape yg menariknye di situ...
hari tu ade la member aku ni..dia seorang model cum postgrad student...hehehe..ajak aku bercuti di bengkok (bangkok)..aku mula memikirkan kos yang akan diperlukan sekiranya pergi ke sana..almaklumla..ini 1st time nk g oversea.(padahal kt border msia je) member aku yg model cum postgrad student itu menjelaskan bahawa kos yg diperlukan hannya rm 700..aku pun berasa girang...sbb quite cheap la...kalau aku g cuti dalam msia pun budget lebih kurang tu je..kire ok la tu
sesiape pernah pegi bangkok angkat ke bangkok tu?aku tgk crowded jer (dlm filem la)...aku prefer pegi pattaya atau phuket sbb more nature dan bleh mandi pantai..
tapi aku on je kalau jadi..InsyaAllah...nnt aku nk google bangkok nak tgk ape yg menariknye di situ...
Sunday, June 7, 2009
wedding everywhere
salam to all..there were so many wedding invitation i received both from my friends and my parent's i have decided to go to ija's wedding who was my ex-classmate while studying in IPIK..not called as ex.girlfriend...:) the feast was so interesting with the scrumptious menus, best entertained by the host and so colourful
yesterday was also the best moment for me coz i can meet up with some of my ex-classmates who were studying in IPIK such as Kak Zam, Kak Ecah, Amir, Abbas and Ija we were chatting on many topics from one to another, from 18 U to 18 PL, and lot of lough LOL......
the above picture are me and ija...before meeting up her partner take a bit moment to snap photo..ija was married to Ansar who her ex-schoolmate when schooling in Parit their love is so tight and i hope they will be happy until forever and ever...
congrates also given to Helmi with his partner, Nur Salwani, both were my ex-IPIKmate and get married on same day with Ija...sorry i cannot come to your wed furthermore, i did'nt get any invitation card or sms from both of you too..;)they are from Southern Peninsular and again, i hope for their happiness...
so we were so enjoying ija's weds and again,thank to ija for the gift
kak zam was so lucky coz she and her husband are waiting for newborn on boy..
>>>>>>waiting for more invitation especially from my ex-housemates in KUSTEM
Saturday, June 6, 2009
A morning routine
salam to all...there might be some of us like to continue sleeping after praying subuh..i think that is okay for the people who have been working and need to do i for the certain time...but normally, i won't sleep again after praying and do my stuffs...since healthy is my priority, (not to be snob), i will do exercises like jogging or skipping while listening to the music...
Note:the picture above is not me.......hihi..sometimes, i feel bored when doing exercises without listening to music....and as usual, i listen to the mp3
i am not an expertise in health nor in sport.. but there are some tips that can be shared with....if you want to cut your weight, the suggestion is by doing an aerobic exercise which means you continue the exercise for a long period between 30-45 minutes..e.g: jogging or brisk walking, swimming but if u want to get lean and show up your muscles, you can do anaerobic exercise..which means doing an exercise with very intense in an interval...for example,jogging for 7 minutes, then sprint for 1 minute, then jongging again.the steps must be in interval within 20 minutes only...i got the facts from the internet either..:)
so, what are we waiting for?let's get up and do exercise in the morning which is good for our health.....
me writing this blog after doing jogging and skipping at 7.00 a.m....

Note:the picture above is not me.......hihi..sometimes, i feel bored when doing exercises without listening to music....and as usual, i listen to the mp3
i am not an expertise in health nor in sport.. but there are some tips that can be shared with....if you want to cut your weight, the suggestion is by doing an aerobic exercise which means you continue the exercise for a long period between 30-45 minutes..e.g: jogging or brisk walking, swimming but if u want to get lean and show up your muscles, you can do anaerobic exercise..which means doing an exercise with very intense in an interval...for example,jogging for 7 minutes, then sprint for 1 minute, then jongging again.the steps must be in interval within 20 minutes only...i got the facts from the internet either..:)
so, what are we waiting for?let's get up and do exercise in the morning which is good for our health.....

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